COVID-19 Health & Safety Protocols at Afterburn Fitness
Updated December 21st, 2021
Under the current health restrictions:
All guests must show proof of full vaccination against COVID-19
All guests must remain 6 feet apart unless from the same household
All guests must use provided equipment to sanitize surfaces touched
General risk mitigation protocols:
Contact Tracing
Use the sign-in sheet link provided as a member if you intend on coming in, your initials are fine
In and out of the facility in 1.5 hours adhering to what you put on the sheet, you may stay longer if no one is booked after or the facility remains below the limit
Notify us immediately if you have visited the facility and have tested positive for COVID-19
If you have been potentially exposed without proper PPE to a person with COVID
OR If you are returning to the country from travelling abroad
OR If you are displaying any of the symptoms listed below
Wear a mask (optional during physical activitiy, mandatory in common areas)
Mitigating the spread by aerosols
Capacity Limits
Maximum number of members in the facility is 12 when there is no group training and 8 when group training is on
Stay at least 6 feet away and avoid the trajectory of heavy breathing on the gym floor
The erg room can be used for single person training, the pool room can accommodate 2 persons
Additional storage spaces will be added in the lobby to process teams faster
No loitering in the facility
Warm Months (July to August):
The first person in will open the garage doors, which will remain open until the last person for the day (use the calendar to check)
Cooler Months (September to May):
4 hospital grade HEPA 13 filtration units to provide better air quality and reduce the risk of contagion
Mitigating the spread from surface contamination
Wash your hands pre and post workout
Grab a rag from the front-desk for wiping down any surfaces you have contacted
Wipe down equipment including (weights, j-hooks and bands) before and after
Discard rag when exiting the facility
Do not use a rack directly in front of or behind someone (avoid the trajectory of heavy breathing)
Structured Group Training
Structured group training capacity (must meet specific training criteria)
Capacity Limits
Pool Room: 12 + 2 non-participants
Team Training Area: 12 + 2 non-participants
Group Training Protocol
All coaches and bystanders must wear a mask
Must wear a mask in the common areas (on entrance)
We strongly suggest that all team members also wear a mask when in the facility, this may become mandatory after further research
Training criteria
Strength Training
Sharing of equipment is not permitted unless disinfected
Coaches must make all reasonable efforts to ensure athletes stay 6ft apart and are not facing each other for exercises
If within 6ft, duration should be as short as possible
Contact Tracing
It is the responsibility of the team manager to maintain an up to date list of phone numbers and emails of participants in the event that potential exposure to an infected person has occurred
Other Mitigating actions:
If an infected person has visited the facility:
An email will be sent to all active members notifying them of the time and date of this persons visit. Please ensure your e-mail address is current on file with us.
All common areas will be sanitized
All close contacts (those exposed to the individual for more than 15 minutes within 6 feet) will be referred to Toronto Public Health for further instruction